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June Arkansas Water Webinar

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Register Now for the June Arkansas Water Webinar!



Ruination to Restoration to Revitalization: The Story of a Great Lakes Area of Concern


June 27, 2024 12:00 PM CDT


  • Dr. Alan Steinman, PhD

  • Allen and Helen Hunting Research Professor

This Water Webinar will focus on the restoration of Muskegon Lake and its wetlands in Michigan. The presentation will cover water quality, ecosystem restoration, and socioeconomics. Muskegon Lake is a coastal river mouth lake with a history of environmental issues. Many restoration efforts reconnecting wetlands have improved water quality and lake habitat. A wetland restoration project reduced phosphorus concentrations from over 0.8 ppm (mg/L) to 0.03 ppm (mg/L), wow!  Research efforts provided a sound basis for restoration design and implementation.  These restoration efforts also showed a 5.8:1 return on investment with $1 billion in increased in shoreline development. The region experienced unexpected issues about public access and "blue gentrification." A water [success!] story from which we all can learn here in Arkansas and across the USA.