Water Center
The Water Resources Research Act of 1964 authorized the establishment of a water resources
research and technology institute or center at a land-grant university in each state.
As a result of the Water Resources Act, the Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute
(OWRRI, currently known as the Oklahoma Water Resources Center) was founded in 1965
at Oklahoma State University.
Although headquartered at OSU, the Oklahoma Water Resources Center serves the entire
state of Oklahoma. The Center strives to help Oklahoma achieve high levels of water
quality and sustainable use of our region’s water through integrated programs of research,
education, training, and technology assistance. Our Water Research Advisory Board
decides which projects submitted for funding best suit the state's needs.
Our Vision and Mission
Empowering informed decision making and enriching understanding of the state’s most
critical water management issues through engagement, education and actionable science.
Support research on all topics related to understanding and managing Oklahoma water resources. Provide education and training opportunities for water specialists, professionals, and students. Outreach and information transfer in the Oklahoma water resource community. Facilitate team-building to provide solutions to water issues.
Support research on all topics related to understanding and managing Oklahoma water resources. Provide education and training opportunities for water specialists, professionals, and students. Outreach and information transfer in the Oklahoma water resource community. Facilitate team-building to provide solutions to water issues.
In 2023The Oklahoma Water Resources Center had
in Project Funding
Proposals Submitted
Students Supported