Frequently Asked Questions
Water Testing
Drinking Water, Well Water, Livestock & Irrigation Water
- Where do I get my drinking water tested?
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality accredited water testing labs are currently the only facilities in the state that test drinking water. You may contact the ODEQ at (405) 702-0100, (800) 522-0206, and to find the location nearest you.
If your water comes from a city or county supply, contact them for their latest testing report or concerns regarding your water quality.
If your water comes from a private well you are responsible for testing and treating your own water.
- Where do I get my livestock or irrigation water tested?
The Soil, Water and Forage Analytical Laboratory on OSU-Stillwater campus offers a water quality test for livestock water to determine if the water is suitable for animals. They also offer a irrigation water test to make sure irrigation water content is suitable for crop growth and the future productivity of soil. It can also be used for sprinkler systems.
SWAFL tests for pH, total dissolved solids, salinity, nitrates, bacteria, hardness and more dependent on owner concern.
SWFAL is not certified for drinking water tests.
Contact your county Extension office for water sampling bottles, sampling instructions and other information. - How do I collect a water sample?
Please consult your county Extension office, the OSU Soil, Water and Forage Analytical Laboratory, the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality or other organization you will be submitting to for their specific standards for submitting a water sample prior to collection.
As a general rule, you will need to obtain a clean unused plastic bottle to collect your sample in. Prior to filling the bottle, turn on your water faucet and let it run for 3 to 5 minutes and then rinse the bottle three times with the water you are wanting to test. Fill the bottle to the top and submit the sample to your county Extension office or testing laboratory.
- How often should I get my water tested?Annual water testing is recommended. However, if a problem is suspected, more frequent testing may be needed. Additional testing after water is treated can be helpful to ensure the problem has been addressed.
- How do I get a well-drilling permit?The Oklahoma Water Resources Board handles all permitting for the state of Oklahoma. Get in touch with OWRB.
Pond Management
- I have a problem with my pond. What do I do?
- Pond Frequently Asked Questions
- Common Pond Problems
- Improve Fishing in Your Pond
- Pond Plant: Weeds or Beneficial?
- Keep Your Pond in Good Condition
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about ponds and pond management.
You may also contact your county Extension office or the Oklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
Septic Systems
- How do I properly care for my Septic System?
Basic Septic System Rules for Oklahoma
Keep Your Septic System in Working Order
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about septic systems and septic system management.
You may also contact your county Extension office or
or the Oklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
- What if severe weather effects my septic system?
Keep Your Septic System in Working Order
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about septic systems and septic system management.
You may also contact your county Extension office or
or the Oklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
- What is Drought?
Drought could be defined as abnormally dry periods (below-average precipitation) at a given region, leading to a shortage of soil moisture and eventually water resources scarcity.
Drought and Its Impact on Agricultural Water Resources in Oklahoma
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about drought and drought management.
You may also contact your county Extension office or
or the Oklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
- What are management strategies for Drought?
Drought Managements Strategies
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about drought and drought management.
You may also contact your county Extension office or
or the Oklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
- What are drought impacts in pastures?
Assessing Drought Damage in Perennial Grass Pastures
Pasture Recovery Following Drought
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about drought and drought management in pastures.
You may also contact your county Extension office or
or the Oklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
- How do I know current weather and drought conditions?
For current weather and drought conditions and predictions visit the U.S. Drought Monitor or the Mesonet.
- What is Groundwater?
Groundwater is water that is found naturally in aquifers, which are underground layers of permeable rock or unconsolidated materials.
- Introduction to Groundwater Hydrology and Management
- Understanding the Different Kinds of Water Addressed by Oklahoma's Water Law
- Statewide Estimates of Potential Groundwater Recharge
- Measuring Depth to Groundwater in Irrigation Wells
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about groundwater.
You may also contact your county Extension office or the Oklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
- What is the Ogallala Aquifer?
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about groundwater.
You may also contact your county Extension office or theOklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
Lawn and Water
- What are water-efficient landscapes?
- Water-Efficient Landscapes for Oklahoma
- Sustainable Landscapes: Designing a Rain Garden for Residential Property
- Drought-Tolerant Plant Selections for Oklahoma
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about lawns and water.
You may also contact your county Extension office or theOklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
- Proper Irrigation for Home Systems
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about lawn and water.
You may also contact your county Extension office or theOklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
- How do I manage salinity in my lawn?
Salinity Management in Home Lawns
OSU has many more Extension fact sheets about lawn and water.
You may also contact your county Extension office or theOklahoma Water Resources Center for questions or guidance.
USGS/WRRI Establishment
- What is the Water Center?
As a result of the 1964 Water Resources Act, the Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute (OWRRI, currently known as the Oklahoma Water Resources Center) was founded in 1965 at Oklahoma State University. The OWRC is active in research, Extension and outreach efforts to improve and share water resources.
- Where is the Water Center located?
The Oklahoma Water Resources Center is located in 320 Agricultural Hall.
While OWRC is headquarted on Oklahoma State University's campus, it serves the entire state of Oklahoma.
Educator Resources
- What resources do you have for K-12 educators?
Training up the next generation? That's fantastic! We're glad you found us!
Be sure to visit our Resources page for a diverse selection of educational materials on various topics. The OSU Programs and Services page may also be of interest to you. - What water education programs are available?
4-H20 is a series of water education curriculum that can be used as individual lessons or part of a water fair. These have been designed to fit K-12 educators, librarians and 4-H programing.
The Spotty Rain Campaign aims to share resources for managing drought risks and to encourage community participation in volunteer drought monitoring.
The Native American Middle School Students After-School Stem Program focuses on the design, development, and evaluation of Tribal after school STEM programs by incorporating Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and 3D printing through spatial design activities that are relatable to both boys and girls.
Connect With Us
- How do I find an expert in a particular field?
Contact us via phone, email or mail with your questions. You may also contact any OSU water experts by subject area.
- I have a question not included here. How do I find an answer?
You can enter a keyword(s) in the search box at the top right of our website and search for your answer.