Upcoming Opportunity! How a River's Periodic Pulse Affects its Liver: Hyporheic Zones in the Anthropocene by M. Bayani Cardenas of University of Austin Texas.
Dr. Mirchi, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering associate professor and OWRC associate director, named Whatley Award recipient from OSU Agriculture last month.
Oklahoma Water Resources Center welcomes Mirchi as associate director. Ali Mirchi has a background in water resources systems modeling, including simulation and watershed hydrologic modeling to support water sustainability.
BAE is hosting Dr. Ryan Bailey, Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colorado State University, as a BAE seminar speaker on Thursday, January 30th, 3:00-4:00 pm, 314 Ag Hall.
The WRRC is requesting applications for a GIS and mapping postdoctoral research position (postdoc). The postdoc will work with partners, including local, state, nonprofit, private, sector, federal, and academic partners, to assist with the development of data analysis
The Colorado Water Center is requesting applications for the Director position. The Colorado Water Center director is appointed by the President of Colorado State University to serve as the chief executive, academic, and policy officer of the Center, reporting directly to the Vice President for Engagement and Extension.
The Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department (ABED) at South Dakota State University (SDSU) excited to announce a new opening for the William Mibra Griffith and Byrne S. Griffith Endowed Chair in Agriculture and Water Resources and South Dakota Water Resources Institute Director.
The Kentucky Water Research Institute is looking for a postdoctoral scholar to contribute to groundbreaking research on drinking water disinfection byproducts. They're seeking qualified candidates passionate about environmental science and water quality who might be interested in applying—or who might know of talented recent Ph.D. graduates in their network.
Internship opportunities with EPA Dallas Regional office, apply by Friday! Opens: 11/04/2024; Closes: 11/08/2024 These positions are in Region 6, Various Divisions/Branches/Sections
New staff researcher position open at the KGS, which would take on a central role in ongoing work with OpenET including as a key contributor to USDA SAS project. Looking for someone with the experience to hit the ground running, whether wrapping up a postdoc and looking for a staff research position or someone with an M.S. that has been working for a bit.
UCOWR and NIWR invite you to engage with leading researchers, educators, water managers, students, and other professionals from across the globe as we seek to develop new and innovative collaborations and transdisciplinary solutions to complex water resources challenges.
Oklahoma State is hosting Dr. Gabriel Perez, assistant professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Oklahoma State University, as a BAE seminar speaker on Thursday, Oct. 31, 3:00-4:00 pm, 105 Ag Hall.
Oklahoma Water Resources Center is accepting abstracts for the Research Symposium and Oklahoma Water Resources Board is accepting presentation proposals for their technology and innovations sessions!
Join us for a webinar on "Differences in Resiliency and Vulnerability to Urban Flooding in the Trinity-San Jacinto River Basins" on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Central Time.
Register Now for the June Arkansas Water Webinar! Title: Ruination to Restoration to Revitalization: The Story of Great Lakes Area of Concern When: June 27, 2024, 12:00 PM CDT
Register Now for the May Arkansas Water Webinar! Title: Best Management Practices: A Focus on Forest Health and Water Quality When: May 22, 2024, 12:00 PM CDT
Call for abstracts! Rural Renewal Initiative is calling for abstracts for the 2024 Rural Renewal Symposium. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations should be submitted before June 14, 2024.
NIWR is funding student travel scholarships to the UCOWR/NIWR/AWRA 60th Anniversary Water Resources Conference in St. Louis, supporting travel for up to two students per NIWR region. The submission deadline is May 31.
Join Jeff Sadler of the Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department for a presentation on "Opportunities for Artificial Intellegence in Water Resources Extension" on April 24, 2024.
Join us for a one-of-a-kind conference as the American Water Resources Association (AWRA), the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) and National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR) brings together a professional community of 60 years! Attendees from each organization will have an unique opportunity to experience higher-level networking, engagement and learning.
Join Oklahoma Clean Lakes & Watershed Associations at their annual conference on April 10-11 at the Wes Watkins Center in Stillwater, OK! This event provides attendees the opportunity to exchange ideas, receive education and form partnerships with peers.
Oklahoma State University-Stillwater is proud to be hosting this year’s National American Indian Science and Engineering Fair (NAISEF) both virtually and in-person on April 6, 2024. NAISEF is an annual middle school and high school science fair organized by the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES). Winners of NAISEF will be invited to compete at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).
The Oklahoma Water Resources Center is hosting a workshop on OK-HAWQS in collaboration with the Oklahoma Conservation Commission and Texas A&M! Join us on April 9th at the Wes Watkins Center in Stillwater, for either the introductory session or advanced users session.
The 2024 Ogallala Aquifer Summit theme is “Mobilizing Collaboration” This highly interactive event will bring people together from across the Ogallala region to learn about each other’s work to slow aquifer decline and support ecosystem and community resilience.
This position provides advanced GIS support for the USDA-ARS Data Innovations project and the Agricultural Collaborative Outcome System (AgCROS). Work consists of programming utilizing advanced ESRI GIS technologies.
The successful candidate will conduct research, advise graduate students, and provide leadership for outreach education efforts of the Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FABE).
The Institute for Water & Watersheds (IWW), in concert with the Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center (HAREC), seek to hire a Full-Time 12-month Post doctoral scholar (Post doc) (potentially renewable for a second year based on satisfactory performance and funding).
OSU Landscape Architecture & City of Stillwater Stormwater Program are hosting a presentation jointly about rain barrels. Audience will learn about why rainwater harvesting is important, site selection and installation techniques for rain barrels.
The Unsolicited Research Program supports WRF in its mission by funding research projects that can be the catalyst for transforming our understanding of our water resources and our ability to protect and preserve them in a sustainable and cost-effective manner.
The U.S. EPA Hypoxia Team in Headquarters’ Nonpoint Source Management Branch has a research opportunity at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA), Office of Water (OW), Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds (OWOW) located in Washington, D.C.